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Rodnae Productions

Event Dates:
September 17-20, 2024

WomanREACH registration is now open!

OASIS Florida is pleased to invite you to attend our 7th Annual Northwest Florida WomanREACH. This gathering will take place September 17-20, 2024at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat. Take a moment to read about this unique opportunity and make plans to attend.

Suggested Donation - $20/person

(Transportation is not included)

Our Mission

The mission of North Florida WomanREACH is to build heart-centered connections and community among women in North Florida. "REACH" is an acronym for Rural Education in Action for Community Health.  


              The term “heart-centered” refers to a presence of mind that allows each of us to honor our feelings and the feelings of others.  Such emotional authenticity creates a safe, nurturing environment where women can share their truths.  Within this space, each woman can speak openly and honestly, be heard without judgment and enjoy the support of her community.  Within this space, each woman has the power to offer and receive unconditional love, wisdom, acceptance, compassion and healing.

The heart-circle has roots in many cultures.  It offers a sacred space where women can speak from the heart rather than the intellect.  After an opening ceremony, which is used to help focus the group’s intention, a talisman is passed around.  The person holding the talisman may speak, sit silently or pass it on in a clockwise rotation.  While holding the talisman, the speaker is witnessed by a community of listeners.  There are no responses, interruptions or side conversations.  The heart circle is a place of emotional authenticity, non-judgmental listening, respect and compassion. 

“Building Community”

             The excitement that North Florida WomanREACH is hoping to being to North Florida, is an open environment that women can exchange life experience's as well as learning from other women within their community.  Many women have an underlying desire to connect deeper, long-lasting friendships with other women, but there may be barriers that interfere with this.  These barriers may include: unresolved issues resulting from mistreatment and abuse by previous friends, family members, sex partners and the community-at-large or the isolating and damaging effects of alcohol and other drugs, often as a form of self-medication and/or a reflection of community norms.  Awkwardness may also be a barrier due to lack of experience, low self-esteem and poor body image. 


Many of these barriers may result in doubting that such connections are possible.

North Florida WomanREACH offers women a support network that has not been available previously and will help them build a community where none existed.  WomanREACH embraces the notion that a community building project can encourage deeper, longer-lasting relationships among rural women, ensuing health benefits, with a combination of strategies, including: immersing women in an environment where relationships are modeled and expected; by providing a supportive environment for women to reveal their difficulties and successes with emotional, spiritual, physical and addictive issues; connecting women with support, treatment and care resources as needed; and supporting women in their recovery and journey toward wellness.  It is these principles that will guide North Florida WomanREACH’s planning, decision making and growth in the years to come.

   OASIS Florida would like to Thank 
   The Florida Department of Health
                  HIV/AIDS Section
For their longtime support of this event

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